Broccoli Cheese Soup – Perfect Summer End and Fall Begin

Grannie Geek, broccoli cheese soup

Broccoli Cheese Soup

It’s still 90° in Billings, but what can I say?  It’s close enough to September and blessed cool weather that I got very hungry for some broccoli cheese soup.  My husband, Richard, loves soup of any kind.  He’s feeling a little under the weather, and I had a boatload of fresh broccoli and cheddar cheese in the fridge, so what the heck?  The air conditioner is on, right?  (Sorry my pic is just horrible.  I think I inadvertently did something to the auto focus – yikes!)

This is such an easy recipe that it qualifies as a “Quick Dinner.”  Seriously, 30 minutes at the most from begin to end.  My rule is to always keep fresh broccoli or frozen broccoli on hand. And I always have a variety of hard cheese in the fridge and chicken stock in the pantry. Although, for this batch, I had a half-gallon of homemade stock, so that’s what I used.  I’m eager to make homemade stock out of already roasted chickens from Costco, Sam’s or the multitude of deli counters where they are now commonly found.  I think the richness of the roasted chicken would lend itself well to homemade stock, and they’re cheap – but I digress – that’s ready for another episode . . .

This soup recipe will serve four.  The basic recipe calls for sharp cheddar (I used white), and Swiss.  But you could substitute other cheeses you have on hand, like cream cheese, Velveeta or another mild cheddar, or maybe a smoked gouda or oaxaca – any cheese that melts well and might offer a little different flavor.  How about pepper jack served with cornbread?


Crunchy Asian Noodle Salad

crunchy asian noodle salad, grannie geek

In the mood for something different?

I love this recipe originally from Ina Garten.  My husband and I crave Chinese food and flavors, particularly this time of year.  In the winter, I tend to stick to the old standbys:  vegetable soup, chili, meatloaf, chicken and dumplings.  All great stuff, but during the seasonal transition from winter to spring, I thought it was time to challenge our taste buds – what about something Asian?  This dish came readily to mind believe it or not, because I had almost all the ingredients on hand.  This is not a light dish, and not something that leaps to the fore when it’s cold.  The noodles are served at room temperature, but I warmed up dinner with a couple of baked chicken breasts.  There are lots of vegetables, is it healthy, well you be the judge.  However, Crunchy Asian Noodle Salad is very satisfying.
