Mimi’s Blog

Mimi’s Shepherd’s Pie

Here’s another comfort food “oldie-but-goodie.” Hot and bubbly from the oven ground meat and vegetable casserole topped with a classic whipped potato crust that forms a nicely browned top layer. Mimi’s Shepherd’s Pie is made special by adding a can of creamed corn on top of the meat and vegetables and before the potato layer is slathered on. Warm and satisfying, indeed. YUM!

Retro Pork Chops, Spanish Rice with Peas and Potatoes

Pork Chops, Spanish Rice with Peas & Potatoes was on of our family favorites, and one of my mother’s no fail go to dinners. Quick and inexpensive, the rice is a nice twist on traditional Spanish rice. The rice, peas and potatoes can be prepared on it’s own and served as a side dish.

Easy Chicken & Noodles

A family favorite quick go-to recipe try this Quick & Easy Chicken and Noodles.  Sure to please, this makes plenty, more than enough for four.  If you add two more chicken breasts or thighs, you can stretch it to serve six. Serve this with a salad or apple sauce or fresh fruit or crusty bread, and you’re all set.

Mimi’s Shrimp & Cheesy Grits

I’ve blogged about my new found food love, grits. Growing up in Northern Indiana and around few southern cooks, the sound of them simply did not appeal to me. Happy for me and mine, I’ve landed on a phenomenal shrimp and grits recipe that always looks so good on cooking shows. Read the story of my grits redemption.

My Love Affair with My Cuisinart

When I was first married in the 1970's, I worked during the Christmas season at an Indianapolis department store icon L.S. Ayres. For those of us who grew up in an era when downtown department stores were the rage, L.S. Ayres was the cream of the Indianapolis crop in...

Cooking Tip – Chicken Thighs

When I was raising my family, I bought whole chickens and cut them up.  Happily, our family was split in half, as far as chicken meat preferences were concerned, so everyone got the pieces they wanted.  Besides, whole chickens were always cheaper (remember...

Husbandism 2 – Contract Renewal Time

As I wrote in March, our wedding anniversary was March 28.  Guess who forgot?  Yes, none other than my husband, Richard. Before we were married and over the years, he and I have joked about our "marital contract" - the one written on the back of our marriage...

New Blankets for the Boys!

I worked on these afghans for Quinten and Joshua for several months.  I was a bit apprehensive about giving them as gifts.  After all, they're little boys.  Why should they get excited about handmade blankets from their Mimi.  When I watched this...

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 15th Anniversary to my wonderful husband, Richard!  Wow!  On this date in 1998, Richard and I were married at my parents home in New Chicago, Indiana.  I couldn't imagine being married anywhere else, and my mother made our wedding such a special event.  She...

Happy Birthday, Jessica!

Happy Birthday, Jessica!

On this day In 1982, I gave birth to the first of my two children, Jessica Marie. She was a much anticipated granddaughter, the first after my brother and his wife had three sons.  This picture was taken in the Spring of 1983, just before her first birthday.  We were...

Guacamole – The Best Green Stuff on Earth

Guacamole – The Best Green Stuff on Earth

The only Mexican food I knew growing up were the tacos my mother made, and they were awesome.  Hers is one of those recipes the taste of which I have never been able to accurately recreate, and I helped her do everything but the frying.  Mom would make hers with El...



  After extensive research, I have come to the conclusion that where ever you are working in the kitchen, your husband will be directly in your path. Ten percent of the time, it may for some perfectly legitimate reason.  The other 90%, what on earth made him...

Cooking Tip – Wilton Bake-Even Cake Strips

Cooking Tip – Wilton Bake-Even Cake Strips

A few months ago, I was reading a recipe from another blog, Baked Bree.  It was just before my birthday, and I fell in love with her Funfetti Cake.  I scrolled down through the instructions and photographs, and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the baked cakes...

Cooking Tip – Keep Fresh Citrus Handy

I always have fresh citrus fruits in the kitchen close at hand - you know, just a couple of lemons, limes and oranges.  The juice and/or zest of any of these can be shaken into a fresh vinaigrette or sprinkled onto seafood or meat just before serving,...

Master Bedroom Update

Master Bedroom Update

I found this duvet online at Macy's.  I think it's going to work perfectly with the fabric I bought in Pennsylvania.  What do you think?           Here's a reminder of what my bedroom furniture looks like:          ...